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Fairburn Primary's colourful school logo was drawn by a pupil, and features ducks on the local pond.

Our School Uniform

All children are required to wear school uniform. Our uniform colours are red, grey and white. Items with our logo embroidered on can be bought from either of the links below. However, where possible, we have tried to limit these so that you can buy uniform from a wide variety of shops. Alternatively, you do not have to have embroidered items, just items in the school colours. Please note that Black is not a school uniform colour for trousers/​shorts or skirts.

Winter Uniform

  • Grey trousers/​skirt/​pinafore dress-(required)
  • Red /​white school polo shirt or white blouse (long or short sleeved) – (required)
  • Grey/​red tights- (optional)
  • School red cardigan/​jumper- v necked or round necked-(required)
  • Black school pumps (Not Foundation Stage- required for Y16)

Summer Uniform

  • Red/​white checked dresses/​skirts- (required)
  • Red cardigan/jumper-(required)
  • White/​grey/​red socks- (required)
  • Red or white school polo shirt or white shirt (long or short sleeved)-(required)
  • Grey trousers/​shorts-(required if not choosing a dress)
  • Black school pumps (Not Foundation Stage- required Y16))

Hair Colour

Children are not permitted to come to school with dyed hair


The only jewellery permitted in school are stud ear rings. Please make sure your child does NOT wear them on PE day.


These DO NOT have to be black leather school shoes. We are happy for children to come to school in trainers or any shoes that are practical, of any sensible colour. They will be running around at playtime so they need to support them and be fully waterproof. Please can pupils NOT have shoes with heels. 

It is important though that children can put on their own shoes so please do not send your child in lace up shoes unless they can tie them. 

PE Kit

All children are required to come to school on Fridays dressed in their PE kit. This has proved very popular over the last few years as it saves children having to get changed within school and lose their kit! It has also enabled them to have longer PE sessions without time lost changing. 

The most important thing is that PE kit does not have any writing or logos on it. It must be plain. 

  • A plain, white, round necked or polo t‑shirt-(required)
  • Black/​Blue shorts-(required)
  • Trainers- any colour (required) These can be their school shoes. A separate pair is not needed unless by choice.
  • Jogging suit bottoms/​top in red/​grey/​navy/​black-(required)
  • White/​grey/​black/​navy socks any length- (required)

Click on the link below to purchase items with our logo embroidered on if you choose to.

My Clothing (used to be Tesco’s and M&S)

We also have a shop for pre loved uniform which we encourage everyone to access. All the clothes are in good condition; have been washed and ironed. 

Examples of our uniform being worn