Home - School Communication

The relationship that we have with our families is very important to us and key to supporting your child’s progress at school. Our main forms of communication are face to face, newsletters and through the Marvellous Me App.

General Communication

Staff are available on a daily basis, including the head teacher, to chat with as they let students into school at the beginning and end of the day. Any messages can be passed on this way between staff and parents as well as any minor issues, mentioned. Staff will inform you if your child has had a noteworthy accident at school or if they have a minor concern about anything. If however, the issue needs longer than a few moments, staff or parents can arrange a meeting/​phone conversation to take place. 

Please let us know if your child is going to be collected by someone other than people we know. We will not let anyone take your child without us knowing this. 

Newsletters are produced as they need to be and a termly, curriculum newsletter is also circulated. You will be notified of these as well as all other messages through Marvellous Me’ which is an app we use. We also use this to communicate messages about what your child has been learning in school. It helps when they say Nothing” in response to what have you done today!!! 

Marvellous Me App

We also have a school mobile phone which you can ring/​text on to let us know information or ask any questions. Here is the number: 07896268845

You can email to arrange appointments as well through this address: admin@fairburn.n‑yorks.sch.uk

Pupil Progress

Parent consultations happen formally towards the end of each term. We are happy to discuss any issues though at any point and we will not wait until this time before we chat to you. Similarly, please let us know of any concerns you have immediately so they can be addressed as quickly as possible. 

F/​Y1 pupils have a different system for pupil progress meetings. Each week, a small number of children are focus children’ meaning that staff observe them especially closely and chart their progress. Parents will then be invited in the following week for a discussion.

Class 1 & 2 pupils will bring home their maths book and learning journal for parents to read the weekend prior to a consultation week. This enables parents to have a good look at their child’s work prior to a discussion with the teacher. Termly progress reports are produced as well as an end of year school report at the end of the summer term. Consultations take place either by phone/​online or face to face. You will receive a boking form the week prior to them taking place. 

Please discuss with the class teacher if your child’s books need to go to two households rather than one so that arrangements can be made. 

Behaviour Concerns

Sometimes, children need support with their behaviour for a great many reasons. If the behaviour board used in class is not being effective, staff will discuss a home-school book. Usually they are required for only a short period of time. It is a means of parents seeing the issues from the day, the outcome and provides an opportunity for them to comment. These are only put in place after a significant discussion between home and school has taken place. 

Please note that it is vital that communication between staff and parents remains productive. Therefore there is a Code of Conduct which needs to be adhered to as listed below.