Information for Parents about teaching Phonics and Early Reading to Foundation Stage, Y1 & Y2 pupils
If you did not manage to attend our Parent meeting explaining how we teach phonics and reading in school for 2022⁄23, please see the following information. If you have any questions or you would like to chat through anything, please just pop in and see us.
During the summer term 2022, we started using the phonics scheme ‘Little Wandle’. Children in Foundation Stage, Y1 and Y2 have daily phonics lessons following this scheme. The presentation below has been written for parents to explain how it is structured.
Little Wandle Phonics Programme
The main change for parents is regarding reading books that are sent home. In school, children in the year groups above, have guided teaching sessions three times a week to coincide with the teaching of the phonic sound being taught. The reading books used in these sessions actively teaches the children all aspects of the book- the actual words, text features (Prosody) and comprehension. This book will be further practised in school with staff and reading volunteers.
The book the children will bring home are still the Oxford Reading Tree levelled books. They are to share with parents to facilitate both enjoyment of reading and to improve reading stamina. Whilst we are still clear about the importance of reading at least three times a week at home, the pressure to read through the stages is not as important. Books in Foundation/Y1 and Class1 will still be changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so please make sure your child’s book is in school on these days.