‘Alan Turing gave us a mathematical model of digital communication that has completely withstood the test of time. He gave us a very, very clear description that was truly prophetic’. George Dyson (Myatt)
Our Curriculum
At Fairburn we recognise that computers and other developing technologies have an ever-growing place within the world, now and in the future. Technology features in all aspects of the children’s lives, personally and socially, requiring them to interact and thrive confidently, competently and above all safely.
With this to the fore children are taught using the following model-
We endeavour to ensure that our children become digitally literate at a level suitable for the future workplace and enable them to be active participants in a digital world.
Through working with ICT children are encouraged to look critically at ICT as an information source and taught to safely relate to it with caution. Learning with ICT we endeavour to encourage and enhance children’s creativity
What our computing/ICT curriculum looks like.
Children in EYFS have access to many different types of technology within their provision, remote control vehicles, bee-bots and robots, cameras and Ipads. The children are taught about responsible usage alongside safety of themselves and the equipment. All devices which allow access to the world wide web are protected by a North Yorkshire provided Smooth Wall.
Teachers use the Teach Computing spiral curriculum provided by The National Centre for Computing Education, Stem learning, funded by the Department of Education. By doing so we ensure the children learn about and discover a variety of technologies linked to their own experiences, whilst learning relevant skills to progress into the future.
We strongly believe that for this to happen successfully computing and programing should sit alongside other technologies within all areas of the curriculum, an example of this would programing and using Micro-Bits as sound sensors in science.
In each unit children are taken through a short series of stand alone lessons focusing on the key areas of learning building towards the final learning objective. Each stage gives the children opportunities to practice what has been learnt before moving to the next step.
We believe in an adaptive approach to learning, where teachers enable access for all children to engage with the lesson content being covered. Scaffolding is put in place to support learning as required. If or when required children will work with a “buddy” either adult or child allowing them to engage fully and progress to the next step.
A significant aspect of the Computing Curriculum is supporting all children in how to keep safe online. Whilst there are timetabled lessons for this, all staff take each and every opportunity to emphasise the importance of internet safety and initiate conversations to check that children know what to do should they feel unsafe online. Please see the link below to our Safeguarding page as well.