PE- physical education, activity & school sport
Our Curriculum
PE – in terms of Physical education, (skills and knowledge) Physical Activity (health awareness) and School Sport, (competition) is a highly valued aspect of our curriculum here at Fairburn because it develops the whole child socially, cognitively and physically. We value PE as though it were statutory, core subject. The quote above encapsulates our thinking and approach.
Our curriculum and provision is inclusive as we believe that it is vital that all children understand the important role that exercise plays within their lives in both maintaining their mental health and wellbeing as well as keeping them healthy.
PE and sport also promote the development of values such as Passion, Self-Belief, Respect, Honesty, Determination and Teamwork which are the those promoted by the School Games
‘a programme which aims to keep competitive sport at the heart of schools, and provide more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best.’
We also believe that regular engagement in sport allows children to develop personally and socially whilst they work as individuals, in groups and in teams; developing concepts of fairness and of personal and social responsibility.
PE lessons enable children to adopt different roles and responsibilities in comparison to other curriculum areas, including leadership, coaching and officiating.
Our impact is therefore to motivate children to utilise these underpinning skills in an independent and effective way in order to live happy, healthy lives.
What does Teaching and learning look like?
All children engage in two hours of PE each week on Friday afternoons, as a minimum. We utilise the local facilities which includes the Village Sports field and Community Centre. Alongside the Friday lessons, we also attend a local swimming pool, use the local forest for Forest School sessions which all children across the school take part in and partake of other sports activities such as dance and new for 2023, Squash lessons.
On Fridays, children come to school wearing school PE kits so that time is not wasted getting changed. The main reason for having one day as a PE day is so that we can use the local Community Centre for PE when the weather is bad because we cannot fit into our school hall anymore.
Our academic curriculum uses either the EYFS statutory framework, or the National Curriculum as the basis for content and expectations. Please see the links at the bottom of the page as well as our long term plan for PE. However, our children are also key in helping us develop our curriculum provision. They are asked what they would like to do and we take account of their experiences and skills so the plan is subject to change and reviewed annually.
We work with a specialist PE teacher who is employed within school as a member of staff who leads our CPD as well. Our curriculum plan is structured so that each year group has a clear list of year group objectives for all areas of learning which must be covered and a clear progression of skills and knowledge enabling curriculum coherence across the school. Staff teach lessons following the Getset4 PE framework. Within our lessons, children are taught about self-discipline and that to be successful you need to take ownership and responsibility for your own health and fitness.
In the EYFS framework, the specific areas that children must develop are Core Strength and Co-ordination, Gross Motor skills and Fine Motor Skills.
Core Strength and Co-ordination: Developing core strength and co-ordination supports children’s ability to communicate, learn language and eventually read and write. Whole body movements contribute to the accurate use of small tools and delicate materials. Writing, drawing and painting should be considered as whole-body skills.
Gross Motor Skills: Gross motor skills are the skills that children develop using their whole body. They affect wellbeing and give children opportunities to socialise in play. Confidence and coordination in gross motor skills are essential for children in developing their fine motor skills.
Fine Motor Skills: Fine motor skills involve small muscles working with the brain and nervous system to control movements in areas such as the hands, fingers, lips, tongue and eyes. Developing fine motor skills helps children do things like eating, writing, manipulating objects and getting dressed.
Our children have lots of opportunities to practise and refine the skills listed above within their daily provision. As in all other areas, their development is carefully tracked and activities are provided based on the individual child’s needs. EYFS and Y1 pupils still have a PE session on Fridays along with the rest of the school.
For children in Years 1 – 6, we offer competitive and non-competitive situations to cater for all preferences and strengths where children engage in half termly intra competitions and inter-school competitions. Achievement is recognised and celebrated as a whole school in assemblies awarding certificates, medals and their picture on the PE board.
An example of an intra competition is the Cooper Run where children walk/run for as far as they can in 12 minutes. This is repeated half termly so that children can aim to beat their own personal best. Children also take part in virtual competitions against other children within our school and from other schools as part of Selby Sports Partnership. An example being the pentathlon where they had to complete five events- 10 m shuttle run, chest push, speed bounce, long jump and vertical jump to the best of their ability. Results are collated and submitted towards the Schools Games Mark. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills. Our older children demonstrate skills and techniques to our younger ones.
Within school, children have regular opportunities to take part in-house competitions at playtimes. Indeed, our playtimes are very active and children have access to a full range of equipment which facilitates physical activity and creative play.
This year we are trialling pre sessions of PE called ‘Getset 4 Sport’. These take place in class prior to a new unit of work. The class teacher introduces the sport, a famous sports person associated with it as well as key skills and vocabulary as well as any links to sports previously played which may share similar skills.
SEND Pupils
All pupils partake in PE lessons and adjustments made so that this can happen depending on the specific circumstances of the individual pupil. An additional adult is present in PE sessions so that they can support individual pupils.
What do the Children think?
“PE has to be my best subject of them all. We learn lots of Sports and Games. We also have competitions: the Cooper Run, the Pentathlon and the Ultimate Warrior. Also there is an After School Club which is great for extra practise if you need it. Sometimes special guests come in and play with us like a cricket lady. We also have our Sports Day where all four teams battle it out to win!”
Wider Opportunities
Each year children from Class 2 are invited to become Sports Leaders within school. They work with our sports teacher to develop the skills and knowledge they need to be sporting role models for others. They assist with lunchtime activities, Sports Day and other sporting activities when required. Throughout the year, children have lots of opportunities to experience a wide variety of sports through taster sessions, After School Clubs and enrichment days in school. These include activities such as fencing, archery, skipping workshops, martial arts, keep fit and Yoga.
Children in Y4/5/6 swim for a term each year in the summer term
All children across the school attend Forest School days based in a local forest. Each year, children in 4÷5÷6 enjoy visiting two outdoor activity centres- East Barnby and Bewerley Park where they take part in canoeing, climbing, sailing to name but a few. A residential trip to East Barnby takes place for Y5/6 pupils on alternate years with a day trip to Bewerley Park for Y4/5/6 in between. Here is a link to both centres so you can see for yourself the facilities on offer.