Some of the many things we constantly consider include ensuring your child has access to a drink throughout the day, feels comfortable going to the toilet, knows who they can talk to about their worries and concerns whether at home or school and is getting enough sleep. We teach them strategies through our lessons to help them manage anxiety and issues they face such as their friendship problems or transitions between classes/schools.
As a result of the Coronavirus Pandemic, you may have concerns about your child’s mental health and wellbeing so below are a menu of places to go to find help and support or read how to help your child.
Click on each link below to access each website.
Each website deals with many issues and are not solely Coronavirus specific. Issues such as bereavement, family break up, anxiety, internet safety, anger, loneliness, sleep issues and many more.
Please came in and chat to us though if you have concerns and we can work with you to support you and your child or family.
NYCC CYP services would like to remind parents of some resources aimed at supporting mental and emotional wellbeing.
These resources are found at the links below or are attached to this letter.
Information regarding mental and emotional wellbeing for pupils and families in primary schools can be found at
Public health have also put together a range of supporting mental health links. These can be found at
Kooth- Kooth is a wesite aimed at children aged 11+
Sudden.org – Our role is to help people during the first ten weeks following a sudden bereavement.
Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families: Our Parents and Carers resources offer advice and guidance to help support the children and young people who may be struggling with poor mental health.

Here are some websites which details recommended books for children to read dealing with Mental Health & Well being issues.
Amazon- Books on this page are useful and we have used in school. The series ‘What to do when you..’ worry too much, dread your bed or are angry are very useful at home with activities to support your child. There are three in the series as pictured below.