Scarecrow & Pumpkin Festival 2022

  • Last updated: 4 October 2023

Scarecrow & Pumpkin pictures

Click on the links above and look at all the entries! We were so delighted so thank you for your support. 

Useful Information

What happens?

You can enter a scarecrow entry and position it in your garden or around the village. It is plotted on a trail which everyone enjoys walking around. You can also enter a pumpkin in a competition. These are placed on the grass outside Fairburn Primary School. Lastly, you can simply buy a trail map and enjoy walking around before retiring for some great food and drink in the school playground!

How do I enter?

Each year, around September, Fairburn School will advertise the date for the Festival through the village Facebook page, posters and a banner outside school. 

You then need to phone into school on 01977 672158 or text 07896268845 to enter. There is a nominal cost to help raise money for school fund and to support the Christmas lights. You will also need to provide contact details, the name of your entry and an address for plotting on the map. 

Is there a winner?

A People’s Choice Award’ cup is awarded to the best Scarecrow that is voted for. 

Medal 2

How do I make a scarecrow?

Have a look at the instructions below to help you build a scarecrow. 

Top tip- decorators throw away overalls make a great body when stuffed!!